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Lincoln Publisher follows the effective steps that can lead the useful research to the successful publications. Every step is taken under the supervisory of the experts in that particular field while our customers tag along in each and every step of process.

Strategies to enhance the efficiency of New Journal Writers

1. Make your idea clear

For creating the quality content, a writer requires to make the idea of manuscript clear. Making the outline of the manuscript can be highly effectual for keeping the manuscript on the same path.

2. Start with introductory information

Introduction of the Manuscript possesses an important role in putting an impact on the reader. Though it is usually a good way to start any piece of writing like a story, while when it comes to journal writing, it is important to stick to the point information in the introduction.

3. Make consistency

The manuscript should not be diverse to the level where user can get confused. Little research with optimizing outcomes is the right way to convey your research objective to the reader whereas; it enhances the credibility and prevents the chances of irrelevancy in research.

4. Proofread and ask for experts suggestions

There is no chance to write without any error however, proofreading can help to remove most of these errors certainly. For ensuring the quality and standards of the manuscript, it is best to get the experts reviews on your work.

5. Use academic language

For writing a manuscript that fulfills the criteria for Journal publications, it is essential to choose correct words and writing style. The manuscript must be easily understandable while should be developed with formal writing techniques.

6. Conclude the document well

Concluding the whole document fulfills the objective of the research. For that reason, writers are required to put extra attention to the conclusion of the manuscript in order to simplify the understanding process of the reader.

7. Keep the Journal standards in mind

Writing for a journal requires knowing the journal first. Distinct journals have distinctive requirement criteria for publication, so it is suggested to select the relevant journal first in order to write in their particular guided direction.

8. Use Graphs and tables for better presentation

The results of any research become more effective if they are presented in a more understandable form. Perhaps, theoretical results can work efficiently; graphical representation of results and tables for data representation is preferable.

Structural Writing Techniques for New Writers

1. Draw the Outline

For designing the structure of Manuscript appropriate from the initial level, it is advantageous to draw the outline and follow it in a complete processes lifecycle.

2. Stick to the Header

Keep the data and information relevancy sustained with the header. Weather content is short or long, the relevancy should be present in all over the data.

3. Make Hierarchal Headers

For avoiding the confusions and making a more understandable structure, a writer can use hierarchal headers. It will enhance the efficiency of the manuscript while the reader will understand the relationship between different areas of study well.

4. Construct sentence structure carefully

Sentence structure is the key to make the type of document distinctive. For manuscript writing, academic sentence structure with simple vocabulary and formal writing style is always preferable.

5. Look for the relevant resources

For getting the appropriate guidelines, it is efficient to look for the resources that convey relevant researches. It will not only help in the research process but will help you to make structural manuscript for journal.

6. Maintain the content table

It is easy to keep the track of content and headers through maintaining the table of content. Journals might do or not require a table of content for a manuscript but it is helpful for writers’ own self.

7. Maintain the resources in a particular manner

Data resources have an important role in all research process cycles and the arrangement of these resources help the reader to link the data and research relevancy in the content of the manuscript.

8. Follow the basic structure of Journal Articles

Journal Articles have specific terms and rules for accepting any manuscript to publish. It is necessary to structure the article according to their requirements in order to enhance the chances of publishing your research.

9. Keep the language consistency

Though in any case, language consistency is important. The writer must start writing in a formal style while keeping the whole data consistent with the appropriate flow of data and headings.

10. Make multiple tables for a different type of data

Tables are the best way to make data sorted and structural for better understandings. It is efficient to use this approach to make the data representation simple for the reader.

11. Categorize headings with respect to its information

It is preferable to categorize headings and their hierarchy according to their information relevancy. The same category of headers must be gathered together to prevent confusion for the reader.

ISI Indexed Journals

Open Access

Lincoln Publisher focuses on the advanced research services based on the peer-reviewed open access. We believe providing researchers an open access in considerably beneficial for the research area and for the future researchers


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